Letter requesting genealogy records from church


When researching your genealogy, use this letter template to contact a church for records of your ancestors. The letter encloses a self-addressed, stamped envelope and a donation for the records.

[Street Address]
[City, ST ZIP Code]

[Recipient Name]
[Church Name]
[Street Address]
[City, ST ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient Name]:

I am researching my family history, and I hope you can help me locate a document regarding one of my ancestors.
I believe Birgit Seidl was my great-great-grandmother, and I have information that she was christened at Main Street Church in Lehigh, Pennsylvania, on April 23, 1820. If your church maintains records from the early 1800s, I would like to have copies of any documents that pertain to Birgit.
I have enclosed a self-addressed, stamped envelope for your reply along with a small donation to your church. I appreciate any assistance you can provide.

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