Job seeking cover letter for junior marketing manager

Mrs Spout,
A-2, Privet drive,

Mr Lewis,
Marketing manager,
UBQT Shopping Mall,

Dear Mr Lewis,
This letter has been written to put forward an application for seeking a job post of junior marketing manager in the UBQT Shopping Mall. The shopping mall is a well known place for providing the naive people the break their career needs. As far as the education is concerned, I have acquired the
Bachelor degree in the commerce field and also the Master degree in Business Administration with marketing as my core subject. The details are mentioned in the resume which is enclosed with this letter. I am looking forward to search for a perfect platform to kick start my career on a desirable note; and no other platform seems as perfect as you shopping mall.

I am hoping that I will be getting the job which I have applied for. I assure you that I will make sure that if provided me the opportunity I shall prove worthy of it.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Lewis

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