Apology letter to father after stealing money

Dearest Dad,

There is something which I need to tell you. I was notable to tell this face to face even after having tried at a number of occasions. Later, I adopted for this medium of speaking to you. I hope this one serves my purpose.
Dad, before confessing anything I would like to tell you that I am really very sorry and will always be for what I have done and I am about to tell you. Last week, the 10 dollars you were looking for was stolen by me. I am very sorry about it and I have realised that I have brought disgrace and humiliation to you and Mum, and you teachings. I promise you that I shall never be repeating this act and I shall never be indulging in any sort of activity which is not abiding to the upbringing and teachings which you both have given to me.

Your son,

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