Thank you letter to customer for business success


Send this letter template to thank those who made your business a success - the customers! Letting your customers know they are appreciated will remind them why they do business with you.

March 7, 2014
Dear :
On July 16, Tailspin Toys will celebrate its third anniversary. It’s a wonderful occasion for us, and we’re not so quietly strutting a bit about the progress we’ve made.
Yet we’re fully aware that our accomplishments are not simply attributable to “genius” leadership or hard-working employees. We grew and prospered only because we found some great friends like you who gave us loyal support along the way.
So this is a thank-you note—for buying and promoting our products, for putting up with occasional errors due to “growing pains,” and just for helping to put Tailspin Toys on the map. The future looks bright, and we want to acknowledge your contribution to this rosy outlook. As we say in Georgia, “’Preciate it!”

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