Thank You Letter for Promotion

Summary: There is a happy moment in your life that can occur at your work: promotion. Your happiness can have no limits, but still it is advisable to find 5 minutes and write a “thank you “letter to your boss for providing you with this opportunity. In order to make your life easier, you may use a sample for this purpose:
Angelina Karelle
Karelle& CO. Corporation
Dear Ms.Karelle,
I would like express my gratitude for providing me with this brilliant opportunity for showing my potential within a company. By promoting me to the position of marketing manager, you gave me a chance to realize the potential I have to the benefit of our firm. I want to thank you for trusting me and I will try to do my best in order not disappoint you. New duties of this position will be performed in a responsible way.
I look forward to start my work in a new position and I am confident that you will not regret about your decision.
Thank you again for the granted opportunity.
Elizabeth Peres
Karelle& CO. Corporationpr

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