Thank You Letter for Lending Money to friend

A friend in need is a friend in deed is an adage for those who help others without any reason. If someone has helped you then you must thank him for his kind act. A thank you letter is then a good way of expressing your emotions.
Here is a sample thank you for lending money letter:
Derrick Oberon
39, St. Martin,
Hill Road,
New Jersy
Roger Allen
F-4, Great Bay,
New Jersy
1st June, 2010
Dear Roger,
I am deeply obliged to you for the financial help you have extended to me in time of dire need. I was hard pressed for it and I had tapped almost all sources. I cannot express my gratitude in just few words. If you have not helped me on time, I would be in great trouble. Your kind assistance has simply saved me.
I never thought that I would face this kind of situation ever in my life but when I encountered the hard times in my business, I tested the true relations. All those who used to call themselves my well wishers were turned their back to me but you were the one who hold me and took me out of that hell of stress.
It is very difficult to have friends like you these days that care for others without any reason. The help that you did will clear the obstructions that have held up the progress of my business. I will try my best to return your amount at my earliest possible.
Once again thank you so much.
God bless you,
Your friend,

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Related : Thank You Letter for Lending Money to friend