Sympathy for who suffers great trouble from disease

Summary: A Sympathy letter is a type of writing or letter where someone convey their deep thoughts and feelings of sympathy for who suffers great trouble someone who is in ache or it can also be person who is ill and in agony. The type of sympathy letter like:
Mr. Laurel Lee
2-B, Second Wing
Los Angles, America
Dear Mr. Lee,
I am so grief-stricken to hear and learn from your mail that you are afflicting in a disease. I am in stun as I am writing this letter. The final time that we met; about 2 months ago you are so strong and fit. I wish I can take care of you. I appreciate your feelings and your state that goes through.
I discern you are courageous and strong and as well it is just prompt since you are in first stage where the illness can be cured by consulting good brain expert. So this is my counsel is for you get the best treatment. Just bear in mind that I am constantly have thoughts on you and I do pray to God for your healthy being.
Please allow me to help you if you need any monetary assistance I am here to aid you.
Your friend,
Nick Jonas

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