Sorry Letter to Uncle

Relations are like threads which weave the cloth of our life that gives us the warmth and strength to sustain our lives. But sometimes situations or our attitude brings a tension in the relations. In that case it is our soul responsibility to make our mistake and ask for an apology. Especially when it is about our elders, we should not think a bit before saying sorry. A letter is among the best ways to ask sorry.
Here is a sample letter to uncle:
Mr. Peter Jacob,
H.No. 43, Green Hills,
Church Road,
13th May, 2010
Dear Uncle Peter,
I would like to express my sincere apologies for not being able to manage the sum of amount you needed. I am feeling very ashamed about it because this is for the first time that you have asked me for help and I was unable to help you.
Uncle, you know that due to the recession Anna had lost her job and now the complete responsibility of the family is on my shoulders. In this situation, it is very hard to meet up with all the expenses and we are trying hard to come out of it. I understand that you are also in the same situation and I really want to help you but it seems that the situations are not in our favor. Though I have managed $200 which is not enough for you but I only help you this much as I am bounded by my liabilities.
I hope you will understand my condition and accept my apologies for being unable to help you in your crisis. Please accept the small amount of $200 which I am sending with this letter as a bit from your child. I will try to arrange the sum of money you want and again I am sorry for my helpless situation.
With warm regards,

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Related : Sorry Letter to Uncle