Sample Letters of Sympathy on disease

Summary: A Sympathy letter is a kind of letter where you express your deep thoughts for someone who is in pain or someone who suffers a great trouble in life, it can also be someone who is sick and in burden. The kind of sympathy letter is as follows:
Mr. Mark Laurel
2-C, Second Wing
Los Angles, America
Dear Mr. Laurel,
I am so heartbroken to learn from your email that you have a disease. I’m in shock as I’m writing this letter. The last time that we met, two months ago you are so healthy and fit. I hope I could take care of you. I understand your feelings and your situation that you are going through.
I know you are brave and strong and also it is just on time since you are in initial stage where the disease can be cured through consulting good brain professional. So this is my advice is for you take the best treatment. Just remember that I am always thinking of you and I am praying to God for your well being.
Please let me know if you need any financial assistance I am always here to help you.
Your friend,
Joe Jonas

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