Sale Letter

The market keeps fluctuating based on many factors such as economy, inflation, etc. This fluctuation makes the market either a sellers market or a buyers market. If it is a sellers market then companies have nothing to worry, as customers will hunt for them. But if it is a buyers market, companies need to be on their toes always to beat competition.
A Sales Prospecting Letter is a tool in the hands of the seller to bring about awareness of the very existence of the company as well as its wide range of products. This letter views all customers as prospects who, at some point in time, will use or buy the products of the company prospecting them for.
  • A Sales Prospecting Letter should primarily talk about a product in the light of the customer’s need
  • It should give all the aspects of a product, positive as well as not so positive in the light of the other competitive products
  • A Sales Prospecting Letter should in the first paragraph give an introduction to the company launching the product
  • The next paragraph should talk about the range of products the company has to offer
  • The following paragraph should then start talking about the one product that is being promoted
  • The second last paragraph is the one that gives the salient features of the product being talked about
  • The last paragraph in the letter should leave a number or email address to which the reader may be asked to write in case of any queries
  • How will the product benefit the reader should be an integral part of the letter
  • A Sales Prospecting Letter should not aim at demeaning the other companies offering similar products, as that is totally against the business ethics
  • This letter should preferably be sent in the names of individual prospective customers rather than a generic one to give it that personal touch
  • A Sales Prospecting Letter should be checked for any grammatical or punctuation errors
  • Since this is the first point of contact between the prospective customer and the company, the tone of the letter should never be dictatorial
  • The language of the letter should be simple to understand
  • A typed Sales Prospecting Letter is always a better option than a hand-written one primarily because if the writing is not easy to read then it may put off the prospective customer
  • Since this is a letter where an order may be given at the time of reading the letter itself, an order/service form with a pre-paid envelope should also be sent with the letter
  • Any offers that are being given by the company should also be given in the letter
  • Transparency of communication is very important. It is better to tell everything to the prospective customer than to keep them in the dark for any issues later

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