Letters of sympathy on illness

Life is full of surprises. Each day introduces us with something new. To enjoy life in its full swing it is needed to stay healthy or else the fun of living is lost. Being unwell will neither allow the responsibilities to be carried out properly nor will you be able to learn and experience what life has in store for the future.
Dwight S. Berryhill
2482 Kelly Drive
Lubeck, WV 26101
September 17, 2010
Dear Son,
Hope this letter finds you in the best of your mood and health. I had recently come to know about your sickness. How are you feeling now? Everyday we are coming across a new case of dengue. It’s spreading like anything. I remember when last time you called up home you seemed unwell. It is good that you got yourself checked up and got the problem diagnosed or else the results could have been dangerous. So what do the doctors have to say?
I would suggest you to take proper care and precautions for an early recovery. You need to be a little strict with your diet and maintain proper hygiene. Do not take your health for granted otherwise the symptoms of this disease will keep on increasing. You have your forth coming exams and you can concentrate on studies only when you will feel and strong from within. I will be visiting you soon. Till then take good care of yourself and have fruits and medicines on time.
Yours affectionately,
Your mother.

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