Letter of Sympathy for Loss of Husband

Summary: The loss of a loved one in the family, friends always leaves an unoccupiable space in our lives. All that could be done is show sympathy, condolence to the near and dear ones so that they may get some support to pass over the difficult phase of their life.
Dear sister Aasha,
I am sorry to hear about the shocking news about the sudden demise of your husband. What’s more disappointing is the fact that I could not make it to console you personally in this tragic moment of your life. As you are well aware, that since the time mom left us all fathers has not been keeping well. There is no one around on whom I can leave his responsibility. I share my heartfelt condolence on the miss happenings.
I still remember Naveen ji was a very genuine and cheerful person. I can understand what you might have been going through. No one can fill the vacuum created by loss of a loved one. You now have the responsibility of your kids and your in-laws too. Do not forget that when God closes one door he opens another. Have faith in God and he will give you strength to come out of this difficult situation. May his soul rest in peace.
My blessings are always with you,
Your loving brother,

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