Gift Thank You Letter Format

Summary: Thank your friends/family/colleagues for the gifts they have given on special occasions by sending them a personalized email. If you do not know how to write this thank you, letter then follow this below mentioned template and make them, feel great.
Recipient’s name: Alex Tyas
[Recipient’s full designation in case it is official]
[18 Brown Street, GORDON NSW 2072
[September 12, 2010]
Dear Alex (In case of Personal)/ Dear Mr Tyas (In case of Surname),
(Thank you for the gift! I loved it. I always wanted to buy it (describe gift), however, could buy it myself. Thank you again for such a lovely gift. The gift is extremely useful and good to look at too. The gift is perfect as it is helping me a lot (talk about gift’s uses and how you like would to use it or using it). I really appreciate your choice and love the gift completely. (Describe more on what you liked)
Thank you for giving me such a wonderful gift and being so thoughtful. I would always cherish your gift as it means a lot to me.
Thank you again!
Yours Faithfully,
[Tina Jackson]

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Related : Gift Thank You Letter Format