Christmas Gift Thank You Letter

Summary: A Christmas gift thank you letter is one, which is written to the person who has bestowed a present upon you that you desire. Make the person feel that she has bought you a perfect present. This thank you letter will also show your love towards the person and to the gift send by them. Read the below letter to get to know the idea of framing such a letter.
Remy Mathews
234, Mount View Apartments
15th December 2010.
Dear Remy,
From the depth of my heart, I thank you for the attractive earrings you presented me as a Christmas gift. It is similar to my liking and desire. I would have chosen the same design and brand for me. Our choices are so much similar. Dear you made my day with this sweet gift I will keep it safe with me forever.
I thank you once more for your love and affection and admire the time and effort you would have spent on buying it for me.
With best wishes,

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