Funny Romantic Sample Letter

Funny Romantic Letter is written to lighten up things between things two individuals in a relationship. It is written with in a very joyful manner and some personal jokes shared between the couple are written in the letter.
Such letters refresh ones minds and bring a smile to recipients face and make his/her day cheerful. Funny romantic letters are written to pep up recipients mood.
Date: __________
Dear _____________ (Name of the recipient),
Hey Honey, a funny case that happened with my colleague reminded me of the incident that happened in our lives 3 years ago…
I had advertised for a well-educated maid in the paper because getting such maids in my area wasn’t possible, while my lawyer neighbor had advertised in the same paper for an assistant lawyer but our bungalow numbers had been mistakenly printed in each other’s ads.
So you being a freshly graduated lawyer came to my house and I being struck by love at first sight thought you were a maid and instantly hired. While my lawyer neighbor hired the maid as his assistant.
My colleague also had change of bungalow numbers and wrong party came to visit him. He too is head over heels in love with that girl now as I was with you at first glance. Your black long hair, formal outfit, intelligence, personality, and yes beauty of course bowled me over. I felt like kneeling down and proposing there and then itself but then itself but then it struck me…You came for the job of a maid.
But when I came to know that you were a lawyer and didn’t know house chores I played a prank of becoming a lawyer myself. I am glad that the newspaper made that goof up; otherwise you wouldn’t have been in my life…Thank you for being there. Love you.
Yours Truly,
(Sender’s Name)

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