Teacher Reference Letter

Summary: Teacher Reference Letter is made to recommend a certain individual for a teacher work. This is done to show the professionalism and the capability of the individual in being a teacher. This will serve as a picture on how the person could be great teacher.
St. John High School
1778 Chandler Hollow Raid
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Honorable Principal,
This is a recommendation to the applicant, Sam who has appeared for the interview, for the position of Science teacher in your school. I should appeal that the applicant has passed her Bachelor of education degree in merit by getting A+ grade with 92% of marks. Her teaching capabilities are natural. She gets the highest grade, ever got by any B.ED trainee in her seminar and technical skill assessment exam. In terms of teaching she uses the latest method. She likes to share advanced methods of learning to her students. As an individual, she is generous, patient and compassionate. She acquires the passion to shape out the future of the students.
Hence, I personally recommend Miss Monreal for the position of Science teacher in your school. I am very sure that if given a chance she can do her best and will live up to your desires.
I’m hoping for your positive consideration on this matter.
M.C. Serrano
Professor of Micro Biology,
Obamaian University

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