Sample Christmas party invitation letter

On Christmas, usually all the family members, collect at their parents or grandparents house for Christmas turkey dinner or lunch. This is one occasion when the whole family, scattered across the city and state gather and catch up on the happenings in the family and bring a respite from the humdrum of their daily routine. Thus renewing their family ties also, so a Christmas party invitation letter is an invitation to enjoy the day with togetherness and fun.
Here is a sample Christmas party invitation letter:
Susan Langdon
Iris Appt#16,
Flat 3088,
Maple Street,
19th December, 2009
Dear Susan,
Like every year, this year too, we are inviting everyone for Christmas. This invitation is for all of you. Last year you were not able to join us as you were recuperating after the birth of Daniel. But now I hope that you will surely come as all your brothers and sisters are eager to see the new family member.
I hope Tim to is free and will join us .Nicole too will be joining us .It has been a long time since the two of you have met. It will give you an opportunity to discuss with her the matter about which your dad and I had talked to you. I hope that you will be able to convince her to give up her adamant stand on the issue. Do discuss it with Tim and take his help too, as I know that Nicole will always listen to him .Give my love to little Daniel. Your Dad has asked you to come a little early.
We all are waiting for you and we wish you all a lovely and glittering Christmas.
With love,

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