Sample character reference letter

Someone has rightly said take away my money, you take nothing; take away my character, you take everything. ”A good character has no parameters .Yet we need appreciation of the society for it. No one wants to stand condemned, by the ones around him.
Here is a sample character reference letter:
Dr. Edward Rich
Department of Zoology,
University Of Manhattan,
New York
22nd June, 2010
To Whom It May Concern,
This letter is to confirm that Ms. Barbara Ayden was my student during her post graduation and I was her guide for her dissertation.
She was an excellent student with a brilliant mind and kind heart. Her performance was exemplary and she was all very thoughtful. She was always ready with new ideas and great zeal. Her work was very admirable and authentic.
Along with her academics she was good at many other things which are the results of her inherent qualities of a writer, singer and a very promising anchor. She can prove to be an excellent researcher and must be given a chance to prove herself. I therefore, strongly recommend her for any research project.
If you want any further information about Barbara then please feel free to contact me at
With Regards,
Dr. Edward Rich

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