Romantic Letter to Girlfriend

Summary: Romantic letter to girl friend is one of the special present to give her. Most of the time people cannot express their feelings to their love but through this letter, you can tell your partner that how much they mean to you.
To Lusine, my love,
May this wonderful day be packed with joy and cheerfulness, and accompanied with kisses and fondness. May this day stay everlastingly in our feelings and bring lovable memories of you and me in our days to come in future. This is the day we fell in love and vowed to each other to be faithful and truthful to each other.
My loved one, how should I enlighten the love I have for you? You have locked up my heart and captured my spirit. You have taught me a new gist of love, and I can only wonder at the thought that, you much loved to be mine!
My darling Linda, you are only mine in all and a dream come true. Our love has been a victory. I give my word that the sky is not the edge; our love will be soaring to superior heights!
With love, David

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