Romantic Letter to Boy Friend

Summary: When two meet and become lovers there are many things, which they will experience. It may be good or bad, they will be cherishing them forever. From happy to sad moments, still they treasure that. For lovers, love is the best thing on earth whatever it takes.
My Love,
I’ll forever treasure the entire moments that we’d been through, thinking every day as if it’s our final day on earth. You can always rely on me regardless of the distance. Let’s hold the ride of life jointly, till the time of us on earth gets to end. I felt unsure with the journey would take us when we first met, but we begun to carefully get familiar with each other. I’m thankful to God for bringing you into my life for I definitely deem if we don’t meet I’ll be missing the most wonderful thing in my life. You provide me happiness and sunshine although the world looks sad and overcast.
To me, you are my world, my everything, and my dreams come true. I value the entire moments we had together, from good to bad, as every fight has brought us really closer. Because of you I became a stronger individual and a better person.

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