Love Letter to Girlfriend with Gift

Summary: A letter is best accompanied with some small gift and when you are writing a love letter to your loving partner then a small piece of jewelry will suit best. Jewelry with a small love note can express all your feelings. Chain, bracelet, ring are common pieces, which are used with love letter jewelry and will give a real meaning to your relation. If you choose jewelry with deep meaning then offcourse it depicts your deep love.
My love
Only these three words ‘I love you’ cannot explain my deep love for you. However, to tell you that yes I do I say like ‘I love you more then anything else my sweet’. I would like to give you something like a drawn picture by me that will explain my love for you. Moreover, I want whenever you see at that picture you feel like so special and realize that there is someone to love your forever. I choose this gift by keeping your love in my mind.
Yours love,

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