Casual Leave Letter for daughter heath problem

Casual leave letters are very simple to write and it is very much needed in places where you want to take leaves for one or two days. Causal leave letter does not require any specific format of text or content. Just address the employer softly requesting him to grant you leave for a couple of days with a valid reason, if you have any. Take a look at the sample casual leave letter below to have a better understanding.
Dianne D. Lockett
1804 Strother Street
Birmingham, AL 35203
12th June 2005
Michel John,
Head, HR Department,
Borewell Industries,
New York.
Dear Mr. John,
I am writing this letter to inform you that I am in need of one day leave on 15th June. I need to take my daughter to hospital in order to check her teeth and mouth as she is suffering from pain for last two days. Though she has consulted my family doctor and taking medicines for these days, it is safe to consult with a dentist.
I will be back to office on 16th June and you can reach me any time via my mobile number, which you can find in your database. I thank you heartily for considering my leave application.
Thanking You,
Yours sincerely,
Dianne D. Lockett

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