Noise Complaint Letter to Neighbour

Your name
Your Address
City-state zip.
Recipients Name
Recipients address
City, state zip.
Dear sir,
I have been staying in the flat above yours and wanted to talk to you personally from few weeks about a problem that I am facing. I understood that you work at nights and I am working in the day shifts .it makes it difficult to meet you I am unable to meet you so I am writing this letter to inform you that your son parties almost every night and keeps loud music. I have a son who is in his 10th standard and is getting disturbed as she studies late night and also my mother is 71 yrs old and is a heart patient. She needs rest at night but the party goes on till the next day morning and sometimes there are fights also. Also there is lot of smoke from your house as the guys keep smoking because of which my mom keeps coughing all night long.
I am sorry to inform you that this is really annoying and troubling us, please do something about it and take this matter seriously. I request you to advice your son and help my family from the regular disturbance.
Thanking you,
Your name.

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Related : Noise Complaint Letter to Neighbour