Job Acceptance Thank You Letter

Mr Stevenson.

Mr Jacobs,
Human Resource Officer,
PVZ Cinemas

Dear Mr Jacobs,
I, Mr Stevenson, am writing this letter being extremely overwhelmed. After reading your letter dated 16 May, 2010 I have realised that I have secured the job of marketing manager in PVZ Cinemas. I accept this job offer with open arms. Along with the acceptance for the job offer, I would like to exploit this opportunity to assure you that you shall be getting everything delivered which I have exhibited promisingly in my job application letter.
I would also like to express my gratitude to you for considering me capable for shouldering this big responsibility. I would make it sure that I do not fail you in any circumstances. I would like to join my job as early as possible and I am looking forward to the next intimation from your side about when to join. Looking forward for a favourable working atmosphere and a healthy work relation with PVZ Cinemas,

Yours sincerely,
Mr Stevenson

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Related : Job Acceptance Thank You Letter