Donation receipt letter sample

This is a donation receipt letter sample. These kinds of letters are written for requesting donation. These kinds of letters are basically formal in their nature. The tone of such kind of letters should be positive. The language used here should be polite and soft. The first paragraph of the letter should contain the purpose of the letter. The letter must be written to the point.
Mr. Anthony Little,
(Subject)- Donation receipt letter sample.
Dear Mr. Anthony,
I am writing this letter to you today on behalf of our social organization that is the Help organization. We are very happy to receive your donation of $900. We are writing this letter to you in response of the donation that you made to us. last week you gave us a cheque. The cheque is cleared and we have send you the receipt for the money so that it will be in your record.
We are very thankful to you that you have considered our request and helped us. we will now use your money for the betterment of the poor and the needy people. We also assure you that your money will not be used for wrong purpose it will be surely used for a good purpose. The accounts of all the expenses made will be made available to you to see.
Your’s sincerely,
Smith Jones.

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