Condolence Letter Template

It is very depressing moment to know about the death of any friend or relative and the most disheartening situation for family of the dead person. It is your duty to help the grieving person and give him sympathy. This will help him to come out of the grief. If you are not able to meet the grieving person personally then you can do this work by writing a condolence letter to him in proper format. Here is the example of condolence letter showing the proper template of the letter. The sample letter is written to a colleague on the death of his mother.
..Name and address of sender…
Name of receiver……
Address of receiver…
Dear ….First name of receiver
Dear First name of receiver..
I am very sad to know about the heartbreaking news of untimely death of your wife due to …reason of death… It must be very depressing moment for you and I can understand that what is going on in your mind now. You have to take care of your children and have to give them love of both mother and father. It is really a tough task.
I got a chance to meet with your wife in a party. She was a cheering and polite lady. May God will give rest to her soul and give you strength to bear this irreparable loss.
Please tell me if you need any help.
With warm wishes
..Name of sender..

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