Condolence Letter on Death of Uncle

Knowing about the death of any known person really breaks our heart. All the moments that we have passed with the dead person come in front of our eyes. But it is the wish of God and we can’t do anything in this. We just can do is to give support to the family of dead person. If you live far from the grieving family and not able to go to their place then the best way to show your support is to write a condolence letter to them. Here is the example of condolence letter on death of your uncle written to your cousin.
David N. Howard
1197 Oak Avenue
Chicago, IL 60606
Jeffrey R. Davenport
668 Pickens Way
Corsicana, TX 75110
2nd September 2010
Dear Jeffrey
I and my family are in deep grief to know about the death of uncle Mr. Adam S. Mishler. We were really shocked when we got the news as uncle was not too old and was still fit and fine. We can understand the mental status of you and your family at this time.
Uncle was really a very good novelist; I have also read so many novels written by him. He was very professional and organized person and I have learned so many things from him.
Life and death is a process made by God and we can’t change it. So, I pray to God to give you strength to recover from this situation. Please free to call me if you want any help.

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Related : Condolence Letter on Death of Uncle