Complaint regarding allowances

At many times there are complaints that need to be put in writing. Complaint letters are an effective way of expressing your dissatisfaction with a product or service. They give a clear picture of your problem. While writing a complaint letter always remember to include all the details of transaction in the letter. Describe your problem in detail and the step that you have taken from your side to resolve it. Don’t forget to thank the reader in the end as it will give him an impression of request and appreciation.
Here is a sample tenant complaint letter:
Pearson Brown
199 Eighth Avenue,
19th Street, Jericho,
New York
Mr. Todd Anderson
198 Eighth Avenue,
19th Street, Jericho,
New York
25th June, 2010
Ref: Complaint regarding allowances.
Dear Mr. Anderson,
It is two years since we occupied your house and we are paying our rent regularly. Before renting out the house you had agreed to carry out the necessary repairs in the house and also agreed that the half yearly maintenance will also be carried by you. As per the agreement the rent we are paying includes the allowance for the maintenance and repairs.
Instead of this since you have rented the house I am carrying out the maintenance and repair at my own cost. I have already informed you about this and now I request you to reduce the rent. I am enclosing the bill of repair and maintenance with this letter and hoping that my request will be entertained soon.
Thank You,
Pearson Brown

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Related : Complaint regarding allowances