Complaint Letter to owner for leakage from roof

Your name,
Your Address
City, state, zip.
Recipients Name
Recipients address
City, state, zip
Dear Name,
I have been your tenant from past one year and I have never has such problem before and I  like this place very much but off late I am facing a problem where in there is a leak in the bedroom and whenever there is rain there is a major leak and the water drips directly on the bed.
You must be aware that I have a 2 month old baby and my wife has still not completely recovered after delivery. Last week some guys came and repaired the place but still there is leak since its winter and very cold the water is dripping and spreading to the entire wall which makes the room even colder.
I hope this time you get it repaired properly. This flat is very comfortable for me and is very near to my office but if this problem persists I will be forced to leave the house. Please help me out with this situation. I hope you will take the situation seriously.
Thank you,
Yours sincerely,
Your Name.
Your bname.

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Related : Complaint Letter to owner for leakage from roof