Business Sympathy Letter for huge loss in business due to recession

Through business condolence letter you can express your condolences to the person bearing huge business loss. Having a financial loss is very unfortunate situate for any person and he has deep grief at that time. To give him little comfort and sympathy you should write a business condolence letter to him. Through this letter, you should try to give him confidence that the loss will get recover soon. Tell him that you are always with him in his bad time. Here is the sample of business condolence letter written to a business friend on his huge loss in business.
Jonathan P. Miner
458 Nelm Street
Herndon, VA 22070
Dear Mr. Jonathan
It is very miserable to know about your huge loss in business due to recession. I got to know this from the words of my friend and annual report of your company. Please accept my heartfelt condolences on this serious business loss.
I know that you are a hard worker and your loss will definitely get recover from your hard work. The most important thing is that you have to keep patience and continue doing your hard work. I will pray to God to help you and give you success in life.
Wish you better life ahead.
Thanks & Regards

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Related : Business Sympathy Letter for huge loss in business due to recession